The Kurz Calendar Illustrators
William Galloway was a police officer in Port Washington from 1929 to 1949. He was also a talented commercial artist and an old friend of Kurz Oil Company founder William Kurz, who commissioned Galloway to create pen & ink illustrations of historical Port Washington scenes. He lived with his wife Emma and their daughter on Reid Avenue.
John Meola (1913-2002) was a talented artist from an early age, eventually excelling at Brooklyn’s School of Art at Pratt Institute. During the 1960s he illustrated several children's books for MacMillan Publications and in 1976 his portrait of Theodore Roosevelt appeared on the cover of Time Magazine - Special Report - The American Presidents. His illustrations for The Kurz Oil Company calendars appear as early as 1968 and continued until as late as 1993. He lived with his wife Adele in Great Neck where they raised four children.