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360 Degree PanoTour of Port Washington

Here are several dozen panoramic views of Port Washington created by Chris Bain. If you are already familiar with the way this operates, proceed and be amazed! Otherwise, read the instructions below.


360-degree pano tour

of Port Washington


Overview & Instructions

  • This 360 degree panoramic tour was photographed and assembled by Chris Bain throughout the Port Washington area.

  • This is best experienced on a desktop or laptop, with your sound on (tablets work too, with fewer features).

  • It doesn't work on a phone.  

  • Click & Drag your cursor to steer the view to the left, the right, up, down, or watch it slowly rotate.

  • On the left side of your screen are thumbnail pictures from each area.  Hover your cursor over each and a text will pop up telling you where you can travel to.

  • When you see a pulsing circle, you have spotted a hotspot, which is a magical link to another place.  Hover your cursor over it and a text box will pop up telling where the next “click” will take you. But first look around: you are virtually standing on that spot in Port, so take a moment to take in the view,

  • Tablets: This entire tour also works on a tablet, but since you can't hover over an area to get the text box pop-up feature, you don’t know where you are traveling to next, so use the thumbnails.

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336 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington, New York 11050         516.365.9074

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Images and text copyright Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society / All Rights Reserved

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