Costume & Culture Exhibition
Where could you find:
Abraham Lincoln’s Great Coat?
John Philip Sousa’s Parade Coat?
Costumes from The Great Gatsby movie?
Wedding Dresses galore?
Plus gowns, tuxedos, hats, undergarments, parasols, accessories and more?
At the Sands-Willets House, in Port Washington, New York!
2020 Update
Our 2015 exhibition, “Costume & Culture: Our Heritage, Our Fashion” with its extended 6-month run, is once again available for your viewing as a 360° panoramic tour. You can now wander around the Sands-Willets House and explore the exhibit in detail, without leaving home. Keep a few things in mind:
New clickable "i" icons allow you to read the individual captions and informational panels at your own pace.
Glowing red circles lead you from room to room (or use the thumbnails on the left.)
NOTE: This panoramic tour can be enjoyed from your laptop or desktop computer, your tablet, and even your phone!
All 9 rooms can now be enjoyed at your leisure!
Jump into the 360-degree panotour here!
Read the docent notes for the individual rooms:
American Dress 1860 to the 1910s
Yachting, Lingerie Dresses, Feathers & Fur

As reviewed by:
skip to this week's
We hope you enjoy the exhibition!
Joan DeMeo Lager: Curatorial Director
Christopher Bain: photography, website, and 360 panotour
Betty Mintz: graphic panels, Exhibition Art Director
Fred Blumlein: caption panels
April / May / June 2020